Christian Huberts, born 1982, studied “Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Practice” at the University of Hildesheim and since 2011 works as a cultural and media science publicist based in Berlin. His focus is on the culture of digital games in all its facets.
He appears regularly as an expert for digital games at cultural events and on radio and TV. Most recently he published the game studies anthology »Zwischen|Welten: Atmosphären im Computerspiel« in the vwh-Verlag, provided editorial support for the »Handbuch Gameskultur« published by the German Cultural Council and the industry association game, and supported the Berlin studio waza! Games as associate producer in the development of the political education app Konterbunt. From March 2020 to August 2024, he has been working for the Foundation for Digital Games Culture as project manager for the initiative »Remembering with games« and as project lead for »Let’s Remember!«. He also writes for various scientific publications, cultural magazines and online newspapers on the participation in virtual worlds and the culture of computer games.

Whether digital games, digital cultures or digital remembrance, as a versatile expert I am available for interviews, panels and workshops.

I offer editing, lectorate and own text production with a special focus on the sweet spot between specialised discourse and the interested public.

From planning to management to realisation, I supervise a wide range of cultural projects such as specialist conferences, exhibitions and educational initiatives.

On my blog I collect news, work results and past jobs.
- Mächtiges™ Update #2: Twilight of 2024The year is drawing to a close and it’s time to get the final things done. Looking back on the last months. Check. Good wishes for 2025. check.
- Mighty™ Update #1: Remembrance and FutureFor months now, I’ve been promising that I’d be a bit more present on social media and my blog again. So, here are a few of the highlights from the past few months…
- WASD #7: Kindness Coins are not a real currency.Computers and numbers, that’s a match made in heaven. The apple didn’t fall far from the skill tree when it comes to video games either, they love to quantify just about anything they can get their hands on. They even reduce emotions to a set of numerical values. The only question is whether it counts as love if you have to count it.

Christian Huberts
Friedrichsbrunner Straße 16
12347 Berlin
+49 30 95627246