Between|Worlds: Interviews on Atmospheric Games
What is your definition of atmosphere?
How did you become aware of the atmospheric potential of video games?
How do you address the production of atmosphere in your game design?
This category collects all posts previously published via Blogger (https://christianhuberts.blogspot.com).
What is your definition of atmosphere?
How did you become aware of the atmospheric potential of video games?
How do you address the production of atmosphere in your game design?
We – Sebastian Standke and myself – claim that there is a significant trend towards video games that focus on the production of atmospheres. Here is an alphabetical list of games that support our claim and are worth your while.
The intended anthology »Between|Worlds« wants to gather analyses, essays and interviews concerning atmospheric video games and ask – with the help of the new aesthetics as defined by Gernot Böhme.
The database aesthetics of video game spaces. Lecture manuscript .